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Team rally together before the game by forming a hand circle...
and then letting off a cheer.
A shot of Connell #1's outfield with Jonathan warming-up in the foreground.
Connell #1, from behind home plate.
1st Inning
Kenny at bat before hitting a double...
who would then score on a hit by Brian
A-WOL reenacts incident on the mound
2nd Inning
Kenny at bat. Would then hit a single.
3rd Inning
Jonathan looks on from second after hitting an RBI double to bat in Austin.
Kenny, mid-swing, as he fouls a ball off his foot.
Kenny again, mid-swing, as he slaps a ball into the outfield for a single.
Kenny scores as Jason circles the bases...
who then scores on his own hit.
A shot of Jason after he hits a HR in the 3rd.
5th Inning
Blurry photo of John scoring the plate after hitting an HR in the 5th.
John smiles for the camera after hitting his first HR of the day.
Jonathan, mid-swing, as he hits a hits amn RBI single.
6th Inning
Austin scores on an RBI triple by Jonathan
The ump and the BILFS catcher looks on as Kenny readies to hit the next pitch. He would fly out.
John and A-WOL smile for the camera after John hits his second HR of the day.
Ump smiles for the camera after the game.
Copy of score book.
Audio clips
Pierre and Jonathan comment on their performance in Game 3 and the scary moment in the first inning. (Incorrectly stated to have occurred in the 2nd.)
All photos.
(Right click to download all photos in high quality to disk.)